
Map Generated by DGPS-GIS for Delineation or Demarcation of land which do not form any water course or sourse but have been recorded as Gair Mumkin Khad,Dariya,Gair Mumkin Nallah under Khasra nos. at village Suhanda

Map Generated by DGPS-GIS for Delineation or Demarcation of land which do not form any water course or sourse but have been recorded as Gair Mumkin Khad,Dariya,Gair Mumkin Nallah under Khasra nos. at village Suhanda
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Map Generated by DGPS-GIS for Delineation or Demarcation of land which do not form any water course or sourse but have been recorded as Gair Mumkin Khad,Dariya,Gair Mumkin Nallah under Khasra nos. at village Suhanda 02/01/2023 View (7 MB)